Thursday, July 19, 2007

Smelling like fish.

Last night I got to spend some more time with one of my best friends. If was great. He drove up to my office. Then, we jumped in my car and headed out. He told me stories about all that is going on in his life. It's great. He has such an excitement that I think I have lost to pessimism which I rationalize by calling it reality. That is a change I am now attempting to make. We talked about all sorts of everything. Except Harry Potter. We stopped at a gas station to pick up food, needle-nose pliers, and minnows. The old lady who owns the store is a classic example of a family owned gas station in the country. We go to the pond and get eaten alive my mosquitoes for three hours. Still talking and also not talking at times. We both needed our time. We pack up, drive back, listen to old classics in the car, drop him off at his truck, and then on the way home I realize how much like fish I smell. Reeking of fish. It is horrible but every time I smell it the memories of the hours before come back again. So it isn't that bad.

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