Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I think I think too much.

I think I think so much I over think it. Maybe I don't over think it and I think about it just enough. Which happens to be more than others think about it. Almost like that line, "people who feel insane are just the few sane in an insane world."

So there are things that I 'need' to be OK with and there are things that I 'should' be OK with. I am having a hard time determining which is which. To explain, let's say something happens to me that prompts me to feel hurt/upset/frustrated/annoyed. At this time I deal with my feelings at the time in a way that helps me deal with the situation. Then after that, when I have my thinking time, I go back over my day and try to figure out where to go from where I am at that moment. Then I think about this situation. Here is my issue: Is this situation a thing that I 'need' to be OK with or that I 'should' be OK with. If it is just me being immature or short sighted, I 'NEED' to grow and deal with it. But if it is me being exactly where my heart and mind should be, sane in an insane world, I don't want to be OK with it or let it slide just because I 'SHOULD'.

I really hope this thought line is able to be followed because I believe that it is incredibly important and not readily addressed. How many times has someone said, "that is just the way things are. deal with it."? Yes, perhaps that is the way things are but it is not the way things should be. I will not just deal with it. I will not sit by and just be OK with it, I want to change it. Why accept this approach and give up on what your heart is telling you just because it is the way others approach it?

Balance comes up yet again. I want it because it is the best way. Discernment is a skill that I need to fine tune before balance in this matter will even be an option for me.

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