Tuesday, August 7, 2007

More than Seven

It has been more than seven days since my last post. So I decided that it would be good for me and my few readers to post once again. Too much has happened since then to really go over everything. "Something can never be explained to the level at which it was experienced." That is my quote that I have come up with for today. I'd like to share everything with everyone by telling them all about it but I can't. There is too much happening every second for me to explain. That is why some people have a gift in the art of storytelling. They know what to cut out and what to leave in to keep the detail needed but also be slim enough to be able to deliver it in perfect comedic timing. (I think a guy in a movie once said, "Life is about what makes a joke funny, timing. There is more to life than that: love, respect, etc. But it is still a good thought.)
This past week or so has more than perfect though. (hence the blog name) Braves games, expanding friendships, talking with old great friends, completing works, bettering myself. This is what life is about and I hope that it continues. Also that I continue to recognize it.

[This is me really wishing I had been taking more pictures and attempting to restart.]

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