Friday, August 31, 2007

Choo Choo

The thought train has been in full motion the past few days. But before I get into it I want to make an announcement. I will be starting another blog that will be just a 'link dump' for everything that I thought was cool throughout the week. Right now I have 11 links for today's inaugural post. Anyways, hear come the thoughts so prepare for the italics.
The thing that has had me spinning in circles the past few days is something that I been attempting to follow for a long time. Partly because it felt right and partly because somewhere I knew it was something that was very in line with my personal beliefs. I honestly hate very few things. One thing I do hate though is when people use infinites to describe something temporary. One being it is always false. [I love making fun of myself.] Seriously though. I understand that we have to make assumptions to survive in the world. So we decide that things will be constant and live that way. Examples: What goes up must come down, throwing a ball makes it will move in the direction I throw it, and the like. Still you can't say that even the laws of physics will always be the same. Maybe when you throw the ball a huge gust of wind or a bird causes it to go the opposite direction or your location (in outer space) causes you to not come back down. [I know that isn't bending physics but wait for me to get there...] Or it could just be a misunderstanding of the human race to this point. We thought for a very long time that the atom was the smallest particle, annnnd then the electron, annnnd then the hadron, annnd now the quark. Shoot there could even be something smaller now that I just haven't read about yet. Even more so, once you open to the possibilities of quantum physics everything is fair game. Who am I to say, "throwing a ball this way always causes it to go that way."? Technically there could be a another universe which is in quantum parallel with ours that has completely different laws of physics. Including what properties make up life. Maybe I couldn't exist in that universe but if I could, I'd build a ball, and throw it.
All that to make the point that infinites cannot be correct when talking about things in our world. There are too many variables. Especially when you add the infinitely complex variable of people. So when someone says, "this person always did this and could never change, and the police did nothing" I cringe. That is pretty much one of the most incorrect statements I have heard in a very long time. I am sure the police did something because the newscaster wouldn't have heard of it if they haven't. I even believe they showed a police report. I am sure that the person didn't always do that because they were in a crib crapping themselves 24 years ago. Also, everyone can change. So the newscaster is most likely either an idiot or is an extremist trying to polarize people with infinites.
So much more to say but I went to a meeting and completely lost my thoughts. Never let your day determine your mood. Be above and outside of that.

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