Monday, October 8, 2007


There are many things in the brain that cause one to feel attraction and connection with someone else. Oxytocin [Ox-ee-toe-son] is the protein currently deemed to be responsible for love. This is suppose to take a while to get to but then when it does start to be produced, it causes a constant sense of contentment. Still though, I refuse to believe that love ends there. It must go deeper. Even outside of experiences with other people.
For instance, I love this moment I had a little bit ago. In the park, laying on my back, my hat tipped down to block the sun, the breeze coming and cooling me down;giving me chills. Then the sun coming back to warm me up again. The smell of the grass and the sound of the leaves rustling. Just a fleeting moment.
The interesting thing here that isn't immediately obvious, is that we only speak of the 'love that could have been' unless it is a person and not a moment. If I had missed out on the day at the park, I would have been upset but I had no idea that it would be as good as it turned out to be. Then, if a person gets away that I feel would be perfect except for the situational reasons that kept us apart, then I am literally heartbroken even though the relationship didn't get past 'hello.' Now, off to work and intermittent with day dreaming of the park it get me through.

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