Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cause and Effect

Now my hours at work have changed to 8am to 5pm. It is much harder for me to get into the office 30 minutes early. I thought that I would just need to adjust to the time change but it has been harder than first suspected. Part is because of lifestyle, part personality, and finally because of how dark it is when I attempt to get up now. My thoughts have had a hard time keeping up with my feelings but much less understanding them.
One thing has slapped me hard many times over the past two weeks. Communication is completely different for nearly everyone. But certain approaches can be taken to address a group but you can't speak personally to a large group. I find it particularly hard to get across a point to someone with a childish mind. Some arguments are nearly impossible to explain in a childish way because part of the experience/information is in the explanation. It is like a child eating baby food because they have no teeth. Even if you made a steak flavored baby food, they still wouldn't get the full experience of it because so much is in the experience of eating the food. So, to get my certain points across to certain people I have to set up a childish consequence or punishment for them to even question it. Nearly a 'hot stove' test so they learn that it is bad. Sometimes I think the only way to teach them is to let them learn.
The group I go to trivia with captured first place for the second week in a row last night. It is an incredibly good feeling to win at something. Even more so when that winning includes getting free food. Being tested in this way also creates a longing with in me to know more. Simply proving the 'reward what you want repeated' mantra.
[Last tangent I promise.] I read yesterday that some scientists think that dark matter doesn't exist. (Go read up on what dark matter is or what we think it is.) The funny thing it that since we can't measure it, Quantum physics states that it isn't there. Or is it everywhere? Tricky, tricky.
Hopefully I will have time to write more soon.

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