Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Untested, mother approved.

So, I am beginning to worry that I am typing out ignorant thought. In the grand scheme of things, we know nothing but everything is to be revealed. Still, I'd rather be at least on the correct track. Untested thought though is inherently incorrect. Obviously I test it myself to gain some since of direction from known boundaries but the possibilities left still seem limitless.

No point in getting too down on myself though. Even Einstein didn't get it right on the first shot. I wonder how many theories he had before he got into the meat of his research. Or how many times it evolved.

People are incredibly interesting because they are a completely different person. Then to increase this, they also bring this completely different perspective on the world. Expressing apparently simple ideas that revolutionize the most complicated of theories.

What amazes me though, is how accepted it is to believe in untested thoughts wholeheartedly. Even to go as far as to teach these thoughts. Hear is where I begin to fight myself though. Is it the teacher's fault for having untested thought or is it mine for not testing his/her thought? How does the teacher know when the thought is tested enough to teach? Is it "ready" when no one in the crowd knows the thought it wrong? That last question sounds so counter intuitive; thought would only be discussed among people who aren't as far along as the teacher.

The chance to be incorrect must be taken. The feedback on what is said must be efficient and then corrected to whomever was taught? Wouldn't this cause the same topic to be taught and corrected for many cycles? Or should the responsibility again fall on the class attendees to seek the most correct? I am unsure.

Time for my broad "easy" answer: balance. The responsibility is shared. The teacher is supposed to teach the most correct idea possible or the current understanding of humans as of today. Then the responsibility to push the thought forward is the class attendees. This should be the expectation of every person.


Graham said...

I agree. I think it is up to us all, as individuals, to seek out truth in all things.

Graham said...

I agree. I think it is up to us all, as individuals, to seek out truth in all things.