Thursday, May 31, 2007

I am back!!! ... Well kind of.

So, I have been back from the beach trip for a few days now but two things have hindered me from blogging. One being busyness. The other is the fact that my internet at the house has been in and out. Calling the cable company just gets me disconnected after about 20 minutes leaving me frustrated.

Speaking of frustration, I have a new respect and awkward enjoyment of it. Until this past weekend I have not associated the word frustrated with growth. I even assumed the opposite as in: "the plant tried to grow but was frustrated." That is a plant, I am a human. So, it strikes me now that frustration, if handled correctly, can lead to growth. Almost as if I have two choices every time I become frustrated by something: deal with it or don't deal with it. Normally I fly off the handle and let my anger roll as a great disguise and distraction of me not dealing with it. I really liked what a friend said the other day, "Now that I have this knowledge, I am responsible for it because I am no longer naive."

Now to cap off this challenging blog with the 'end-all-be-all'. So many things in this world today are being 'fixed' by methodologies, 10-step programs, being busy, or the other when it is so much easier than that. As John Lennon said perfectly, "All you need is Love." I want to continue to change my heart to truly love other humans as human beings and fully realize that the world doesn't exist for my convenience and pleasure. The issue is that Love can not be explained. It can be felt and it's massive effects can be seen. I do not honestly think I have seen the effects of or felt the truest of true Love. Maybe that comes from a healthy Love of myself that can then be shown and spread. I'll get back to you on this in a few posts. Maybe in 2040.

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