Friday, March 7, 2008

Afraid or Fascinated?

There has been this interesting relationship that I have noticed lately. When people do not understand something, it either becomes a source of fear or causes infatuation. Depending on which emotion is caused by the unknown also partially determines the period of time that it last. The fear seems to last very long but the fascination is exactly what infatuation is: extravagant short-lived passion. The latter wants to know everything about the unknown but quickly becomes bored with it. The former is afraid and will constantly stay fearful. Either they do not know anything about the unknown or believe things that are extremes or untrue.

For instance: Lions - if I know nothing or little about them besides that they can kill people and they hunt at night, I'd be afraid every night in my parking lot on the way home. Stupid but logical from the limited knowledge viewpoint. It only becomes illogical if you know that lions are not on the same continent but still cause you to be fearful of attack in the parking lot. Better to be fascinated.

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